Tuesday 2 February 2010

The Lazy Blogger!

It just goes to show that either, when you work with computers, you can't get enough of them even in your time off, or, like me apparently, you avoid them like the plague! The laptop lives open on the table and serves as phone book, weather forecaster, mailbox, shop (all types), calendar and even alarm clock and kitchen timer, but diary??? Thanks to my friends for the prompt to get blogging!
I'm typing with slightly sore left-hand fingers after 2 hours cello practice. What, I hear someone say? Only two hours? Yes, well, you try working all day, then come home, get dinner and change mental gear for a good practice session! I've been pretending to be a gamba, playing the Telemann Paris suites - number two to be precise. The quartet I play with, Minerva, is performing it next week for the Lyceum Club in Adelaide, who have been kind enough to ask us to play for them on several occasions now. I'm looking forward to it, but there are a few excitments for cellists pretending to be gambas that are more like leaps of faith than anything else.
Practice is also made interesting by my cat, Katya. Katya, when a small kitten, would sit on a chair with paws crossed like amusic teacher, listening intenetly. She must have decided that I wasn't going to improve, so now when I get out the cello, she first of all tries to stop me playing by jumping onto my lap, grabbing at the bow, meowing piteously at my knee - and when that fails, digging claws into whatever part of me she can find that is least covered by clothing. That usually works.
If that fails - for example, when there's a chamber group playing - she goes in a huff to the bedroom and puts her head under the pillow. I am not making this up. She gets a bit jealous of the laptop, too, even though it's on the table, not my lap.
Anyway, that's enough for tonight. I'll give Katya a cuddle to make up for hte practice.

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